Make Time

Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky ยท First published 2018

Make Time is not a one-size-fits-all formula. Instead, it offers a customizable menu of bite-size tips and strategies that can be tailored to individual habits, lifestyles, and workplaces. Make Time isn’t about productivity for productivity’s sake. It’s about spending time on things that matter, within the constraints we have. The strategies in this book will help you stop defaulting to mind

Book Summary

Make Time is a book by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky that provides practical strategies for managing time and increasing productivity. The book emphasizes the importance of focusing on what matters most, creating a daily routine, and eliminating distractions. Knapp and Zeratsky argue that modern technology has made it increasingly difficult to manage time effectively, and offer strategies for regaining control. They provide practical advice on everything from setting priorities to managing email to building good habits. With a focus on simplicity and real-world examples, Make Time is a valuable resource for anyone looking to increase their productivity and achieve their goals without sacrificing their well-being.

Key Takeaways

1. Identify your priorities and focus on what matters most.
2. Create time for deep work and reflection.
3. Use energy management techniques to optimize productivity.
4. Eliminate distractions and set boundaries to increase focus.
5. Develop a daily routine and stick to it to establish good habits.
6. Use a “highlight” system to identify and focus on your most important tasks.
7. Use a timer to create urgency and increase productivity.
8. Use a “done” list to track your accomplishments and maintain motivation.
9. Use technology mindfully and intentionally to avoid distraction and increase productivity.
10. Practice self-care and prioritize your physical and mental well-being to sustain productivity.