Smarter Faster Better

Charles Duhigg ยท First published 2016

Smarter Faster Better reveals the secrets of being productive in life and business. By learning how to make decisions, control attention, set goals, and create environments that make success more likely, you can accomplish what you want–and more–faster than you ever imagined possible.

Book Summary

In Smarter Faster Better, Charles Duhigg explores the science of productivity and how it can be used to achieve success. He emphasizes the importance of setting specific, challenging goals, developing a growth mindset, and using teamwork and collaboration to achieve greater results. Duhigg provides practical advice on everything from managing time to making better decisions to increasing motivation. With a focus on science-backed strategies and real-world examples, Smarter Faster Better is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their productivity and achieve their goals.

Key Takeaways

1. Use the power of mental models and visualizations to improve decision making.
2. Set specific, challenging goals to increase motivation and focus.
3. Use the principle of stretch goals to push yourself beyond your current limits.
4. Use teamwork and collaboration to achieve greater results than you could alone.
5. Cultivate a sense of psychological safety to encourage innovation and risk-taking.
6. Develop a habit of reflection and self-evaluation to continuously improve.
7. Use the power of choice and autonomy to increase motivation and engagement.
8. Use the power of storytelling to communicate effectively and inspire others.
9. Embrace a growth mindset and view challenges as opportunities to learn and improve.
10. Use technology mindfully and intentionally to increase productivity and avoid distraction.